If you’re trying to conserve more water in your household – a rain shower head may be the solution you’re looking for. Rain shower heads are now more stylish, use less water, and as a result, are more energy efficient. Not to mention they turn a daily ritual into a luxury, adding a touch of resort living into your home. Rain type shower heads have continued to gain popularity in recent years as people become more conscious about water conservation.
How do rain shower heads work?
Rain shower heads conserve water by simply using less. They build pressure inside by having smaller holes and releasing less water.
Earlier shower heads had larger holes for the water to flow through, and therefore used more water. Earlier models were not as efficient, and consumers complained of a ”needle and pin” type of spray. Today’s models feature adjustable heads and can make the water spray finer. They can also add more flow with just a turn of the shower head. Engineers developed a technology called ”Laminar Flow” that forces bigger droplets of water to flow into each other, simulating rain.
Rain Shower Head Styles and Sizes Rain shower heads are available in several different styles and shapes. They can be rounded, square, or oval, but they are all designed to save water. They all spread the water out over a larger area, giving the sensation of a rain shower. There are ceiling mounted rain type shower heads that are fixed and are pre-adjusted. These come in different styles that are usually dictated by shower choice. They can come customised with stereo systems and LED displays as well. Wall mounted rain shower head units can be adjusted for flow rate and height for taller or shorter people. Handheld heads are also available for those who may need to sit down while taking a shower.
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Installing a rain shower head
Some rain shower heads are available in kits that can be installed by homeowners. These are typically more inexpensive and can be easily attached to the existing shower pipe. If you are considering a complete renovation of an existing bathroom or adding a new one, the options for rain shower heads are wider. Decide what type and where you want it installed before proceeding with the plumbing phase of the bathroom renovation.
If you live in an older house or flat, it may may be time for a shower head upgrade. A rain shower heads help you reduce water consumption and save money.
There are many reasons why you may need to install a new shower base in your home. Perhaps your old one has become cracked, stained, or you are doing a bathroom remodel. Shower pan installation is one of the more straightforward plumbing jobs you can do. A new shower base can be the lift that your bathroom needs to make it feel like new again. This article explores how to do it yourself.
Benefits of updating your shower base
If your shower base is leaking, the benefits of installing a new one are apparent. If your old concrete shower base has become cracked or damaged by water, you may need to install a new one to protect your floors and your home’s structural components. Even if that is not the case, there are many other reasons why you may want to install a new concrete shower base and replace your old shower pan. Some older shower bases were made to be shallow. You can replace your older model with a deep shower base that will help do a better job of keeping your floor from getting wet. A fibreglass shower base is a durable choice, especially when properly installed on top of concrete.
A DIY installation is easy, but it does involve some concrete work and some minor plumbing work. A shower base replacement is an easy task most of the time, but if your old plumbing is in the wrong place, the job can quickly become complicated. If you do not follow the instructions properly or are inexperienced, it can result in an improper installation. This can cause major leaks and potentially cause structural damage to your home. It is best to make sure that you understand the entire process before attempting to do it yourself.
Materials and tools
If you are going to install a shower base yourself, there are quite a few materials and tools that you will need. This list assumes that all of the old plumbing fits the new shower base, and no extra plumbing work is required. A licenced plumber must handle anything beyond the minor plumbing work needed to be done in these instructions because of proper venting and local building requirements. Here are some of the things you need to have on hand before you start the job.
Drill with a mixing attachment
Measuring jug
Spirit level
Sponge or cloth for wiping excess cement and adhesive
Bag of premixed sand and cement or subfloor levelling compound
Adhesive recommended by the manufacturer
Access to clean water
Shower drain flange
Gasket and drain screen
The new shower pan
Hole saw
Caulk and Sealant
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How to install a shower base
Make measurements: You need to make measurements to purchase a shower base that will fit into our space. Before you set out to the hardware store, you will need the area’s overall dimensions, and it is a good idea to know where the drain is located. You should select a shower base with a drain that matches the old one. Otherwise, you can be in for some extra plumbing work.
Cut holes in the floor: The first thing you will need to do is cut a hole in the floor for the plumbing to come through. If you are fortunate, the old hole will line up and, and you can skip this step. If you need to do this, place the new shower base into position and check to see if the holes line up. In case they do not line up, use a pencil to mark the shower drain location. Cut a hole in the subfloor. Do not make the hole too big.
Cut recesses: You might need to cut recesses into the studs to make the new shower base fit. If you are not an experienced carpenter, you need to be extra careful so that you do not destroy the integrity of the wall.
Mix cement: Now, it is time to create a solid base for your new shower pan. If you are installing a shower base on concrete floor foundation material, you will not need to place additional concrete on top. You can use a subfloor levelling compound and adhesive to glue the shower pan in place. If you are installing on a wood floor, you need to mix cement according to the directions.
Lay the concrete: Lay the concrete base according to the directions. Make sure it is as smooth as possible, and be sure to make it the recommended thickness. The cement base should be smooth and level. Allow the concrete to dry and cure for the time recommended in the directions. Ensure the concrete base is completely dry before installing the new shower base on top of it.
Install the shower base: Installing the shower base requires an adhesive recommended by the shower base manufacturer. Apply the adhesive and install the shower base on top of it according to the directions. Make sure to line up the drain holes and use a spirit level to ensure that it is not installed at a slant.
Insert nogs: Place the rubber gasket so that it is seated properly around the drain pipe. Reinsert the drain, fittings, and screen. It is a good idea to test the shower drain to make sure that it does not leak. Allow the adhesives to dry for the recommended time, and the job is now complete.
Waterproofing a shower base: Once the adhesive has cured, and you are sure that there are no leaks, you can seal around the new shower base with caulking to provide a waterproof seal.
This article outlined the simple version of the installation process. Along the way, you can run into issues like plumbing that needs to be rerouted or structural work that needs to be repaired. If you do not get the foundation level and smooth, the new base will not function properly. As you can see, it is possible to do this job for yourself, but this is one instance where it might be wise to hire a professional from the beginning.
Licencing and qualifications
At the bare minimum, a plumber must meet state and local licencing requirements. You will want to find someone who is experienced and has a solid reputation for this type of job. You might also need the services of a tiler, electrician for shower lighting, or a carpenter. Shower base installation is usually performed as part of a bathroom renovation. Some contractors have all of the licencing to do the entire job, while others will need to hire a subcontractor. Make sure that everyone who will be working on your new shower and shower base has the proper qualifications to do the job right.
Installing a shower screen is an easy way to give your bathroom a luxury upgrade. Several types of shower screens are available, including frameless, framed, semi-frameless, sliding doors, and pivot doors. Installing them is an easy job that can give your bathroom the uplifting change it needs.
How easy is it to DIY a shower screen installation?
Shower screen replacement is a relatively easy installation process. The most important consideration is that if your shower is recessed inside a wall, you must get one that perfectly fits the opening. Otherwise, you could be in for some construction. If your shower is tucked into a corner of your bathroom, or you already have a free-standing shower screen, the process is relatively easy. The process involves removing the old shower screen, putting the framework and screen panels in place, and waterproofing them.
Shower screen options
With a quick search online, you can find many shower screen ideas and options. Fully-framed shower screens are a popular choice for bathrooms of all sizes. This type consists of glass panels that are supported by an aluminium frame. They are a budget-friendly choice and have a clean, modern look.
Frameless shower screens are sleek and minimalist in their design. This choice features glass panels supported by minimal hardware. They are excellent for small spaces and give the bathroom a high-end, luxury look. You can also choose semi-frameless shower screens, which are between the framed and frameless types in terms of the frame’s visibility.
Sliding door shower screens are an excellent space-saver and a practical solution for small spaces. The doors slide along tracks that are easy to install. Pivot door shower screens open just like a standard door. They are an excellent choice if you have the room. Bi-fold doors and quadrant shower screens are also available. As you can see, you have many choices when it comes to designing your bathroom the way you like it and options for all sizes and shapes of spaces.
Before you get started on your DIY shower screen installation, you will need a few items first.
Shower screen of your choice
Nylon wall plugs
Shower screen gap filler or bathroom silicone
Caulking gun
Impact driver
Large spirit level
Measuring tape
Pop rivet gun
Trimming knife
Clear setting blocks
aluminium water stop
Sealant (Bostik or other known brands)
Safety Glasses
If you purchased a pivot door type screen, you would also need shower screen door pivot hinges if they are not included in the kit. Before you head out to the hardware store, make sure that you know how to fit a shower screen to your existing shower base. The shower screen should fit just inside the lip of the shower base.
How to install a shower screen
Here are the basic steps for installing a shower screen that applies to any shower screen that you purchase. The main difference between installing a frameless or shower screen with a door is that you may need to install hinges or a sliding track according to the manufacturer’s directions.
Clear the area: The first step to installing a shower screen is to remove the old one and clear the area. You will want to start with clean, dry surfaces. Assemble all of your tools, and layout the hardware according to size and shape. Ensure that you have the correct numbers of hardware for each step according to the screen installation directions.
Attach channels/brackets to the wall: The next thing you need to do is mark the brackets’ position and channels on the wall and floor. Use your spirit level to make sure everything is straight and square. Also, make sure that the bottom channel fits inside the shower screen base’s bottom lip. Next, you can use the mounting hardware to install the channels and brackets. Make sure to do this in the order recommended by the directions, and make sure they are straight and level. Otherwise, the grass may not fit inside correctly.
Position and attach the hinge: Next, you should attach the hinge to the frame or glass panel according to the directions. The type of attachment will depend on whether you chose a frameless, framed,semi-frameless, or shower door as your screen.
Install each panel one at a time. Once the hardware and hinges have been installed, it is now time to install each glass panel. It is recommended that you start with the ones next to the wall first and work your way out. Glide each panel slowly and carefully into the channel and secure it in place with the appropriate hardware. The next step is to install the glazing seals and secure them in place.
Install the support bar. The final step of the construction process is to install the frameless shower screen support bar.
Seal with silicone. Once all of the framework and glass panels are installed, it is time to waterproof it by sealing it with silicone. When waterproofing a frameless shower screen, you should only run a bead of sealant along the outside of the shower door. Make sure that it is smooth and pressed smooth inside the seams. You can clean up any excess with a damp cloth before it dries.
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How to apply silicone on shower screen
1) Make sure you buy the correct type of silicone. Some silicones are designed specifically for bathrooms so make sure you check the packaging before you buy. You should also make sure that there is enough sealant available as most jobs will require more than what comes in one tube of silicone.
2) Prepare the area first by removing any soap scum, grime, or previously applied silicone from around where you’ll be applying the sealant.
3) Before making any cuts with your knife or scissors it’s important to test fit each piece of trim around your shower screen frame several times because once cut, there’s no going back! Take into account any drains at this stage too as it’s easier to move them slightly if necessary than having them in a fixed position during installation later on down the line which might cause unwanted problems.
How to remove a shower screen
Before installing your new screen, you need to remove the old shower screen. To do this, loosen the hinges on the door and remove the glass door panel. Next, you can slide the glass panels carefully from their channels. Once this is complete, you can loosen the screws and fasteners from the top, sides, and bottom of the old shower screen. Ensure the area is clean, and you are now ready to install your new one.
Frameless shower screen installation can be an easy process, but handling the big glass panels and getting the framework straight can be challenging for someone inexperienced. The process itself is not complicated, but getting everything flush and secure is the most difficult part. Also, handling the large glass panels can be challenging for those who are not familiar with the task, and there is always a chance that you could break them. Installing a shower screen yourself will probably take more time than if you have a professional handle the job.
Licencing and qualifications
Before hiring a shower screen installer, it is important to check their licencing, qualifications. It would be best to ask for references or pictures of jobs they have done. In Australia, shower screen installation must be done according to building codes and regulations because it is a wet area of the house.
The installer must follow waterproofing regulations, floor waste regulations, ventilation regulations, electrical regulations, and other local and state regulations that may apply. In most cases, any bathroom renovations must be carried out by someone who has the proper state licence to do it. These requirements differ by state, and you need to make sure that your professional is licenced to work in the state where you live.
One of the best ways to update and increase the functionality of your bathroom is with a new shower head. An updated shower head can create a more modern and contemporary setting in your bathroom. If you have some DIY experience, installing replacement shower heads is simple, affordable, and straightforward enough to do yourself without needing a professional plumber. Changing a modern shower head and hose can allow you to save more money on your shower bill and improve your water pressure. It can also allow you to utilize more features and take quicker showers if the pressure is higher than the last shower head.
What tools and materials are required?
A stool or ladder
Shifting spanner
New shower head
Soft jaw pliers
Thread tape
A new shower head can make a bathroom more modern / Source: Protek Design
How to change a shower head
Unscrew the existing shower head – If you want to know how to replace a basic shower head, start by unscrewing the detachable shower head after shutting off the water. You don’t need to turn off the main water supply, but the tap needs to be in the off position. Using a shifting spanner will make it easier to remove the shower head if any corrosion is present. Turn the neck of the shower head counter-clockwise to remove it altogether. You can also remove it with your hand while using pliers on the pipe that connects to it. Consider protecting the pipe with soft jaw pliers and even a soft cloth.
Clean the area – When you want to learn how to replace a shower head, you’ll need to be ready to clean the parts. Remove any dirt that is present on the threaded extension pipe once the shower head has been removed. You can use items like a wire brush, damp paper towel, or even an old toothbrush to thoroughly clean the small crevices. It’s essential to wash and dry the threads before you add any thread tape.
Thread tape – Once the parts are clean, you can use durable tape to ensure each layer covers half of the layer that is already present when you wrap the threads. Start at the base and move clockwise and use the same sequence until you get to the end of the threads.
Fix the new head in place – It’s important to read the instructions on the new shower nozzle in advance to determine if you need any special tools to install it. You may be able to use your hand to screw it clockwise onto the threads. When changing a shower head, do not tighten it too much to avoid breaking anything.
Test it see if it works – Once the shower head is in place, turn the water back on and look for any leaks that may be present. You may need to tighten it more if any water is squirting out the sides. The rubber seal may also need to be adjusted or replaced. Turn off the water again before you make any further adjustments. Keep in mind that there may be some slower water pressure initially as the shower head is in place the first few minutes.
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How to replace a removable shower head (a shower head with hose)
When you want to replace a removable shower head, you’ll need to position the new flange before winding it two turns with plumber’s tape. Turn it clockwise and secure it with a shifter.
What to do about a leaking shower head
If you notice that your shower head is leaking, you’ll need to start by shutting off the water supply. Use a large towel to cover the bottom of the shower and the drain. Use your hands to unscrew the shower head, but have a crescent wrench or pliers on hand if it has a firm and tight seal. You can replace the washers or rubber o-rings if they look like they’re old and dingy. If they’re relatively new, you can rewrap the threads with Teflon tape to seal any gaps with the piping and shower head.
Check their licensing and qualifications: Look into the background of the plumber you plan to hire to determine if they have a valid license and can be trusted. Ask about their background and experience in the industry to ensure they’re qualified to complete shower plumbing tasks.
Ask for references: Consider asking the professional for a few references to ensure you can contact their former customers and inquire about their experience. It’s important to know if other customers had a positive experience and recommend the services to other people.
Read reviews: Most reputable plumbers in the local area are well-known in the industry and have reviews posted online. Reading reviews will give you a chance to get an idea of their reputation and how satisfied former customers are with the services. Keep in mind that most professionals have a few negative reviews, but it doesn’t mean they don’t perform quality work.
Get a quote: Avoid hiring the plumber who provides you with the lowest quote, which means they may have a lack of experience or cut corners with the work. The quote should be fair but also competitive in the industry.
Get everything in writing: Once you agree to hire a plumber, be sure to get everything in writing to avoid confusion or complications with the shower head installation. Writing a contract with the rates they plan to charge can allow both parties to be on the same page and can avoid disagreements since you always can refer back to the document. It can also protect you legally as the customer if the work is not up to standard.
When you are renovating your bathroom and installing a new shower, you will need to choose the material that will be used for the shower base. You have a few options to choose from.
What is a shower base?
If you do not want the currently trendy wet room style, then you will need a base for your shower. Some bathrooms feature a walk-through style area that is completely tiled, but if that is not the look you want, then you may wish to install a cubicle-like setup with a shower base in it.
There are a few specific benefits to choosing a shower base option over others. First, it is easy to install and very easy to clean – since there are no grout lines, the cleaning process is quick and painless. Additionally, you will not have as many problems with the waterproofing failing, something that is common with tiled shower floors. A shower base is great if you do not have a lot of space in your bathroom, and if you want an updated look without a lot of renovation work, this is a good option as well.
Types of shower bases
There are different types and styles of shower bases available on the market. You may want to choose the most common types of base, which is square in shape. You can, though, choose angles and curves as well. Some are designed to fit well in the corner of the room, making it easy for you to use as much space as possible. You can also choose from a range of colours, giving you a bit more design freedom. Also, these bases tend to be safer than other options if you choose one with a non-slip surface.
Most types of shower bases are made of polymarble or acrylic. Some are made of steel, glass, or ceramic, which might be more difficult to find. Keep in mind that some surfaces can be very slippery as well, making them less safe overall, especially for children and the elderly.
Shower bases are easier to clean than tiles as they don’t have grout lines / Source: CK Contracting
Polymarble shower bases
Polymarble shower bases are commonly used as they are solid and long-lasting thanks to being coasted in a 2mm hard gel-coat resin. They are also stain, scratch and chemical resistant, and easy to clean.
Polymarble is also easy to refurbish, revive worn surfaces by simply sanding or buffing the surface. They are also usually a more expensive option.
Acrylic shower bases
Acrylic shower bases are light and durable, and a cheaper alternative. They are extremely low maintenance and easy to clean – you simply need to wipe down the the surface. However, acrylic bases generally come in set sizes, so custom dimensions and drain locations isn’t always possible.
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Installing a shower base
As far as installation goes, because shower bases need support and a mortar bed for proper installation. So while it is possible as a DIY job, if you’re not a confident renovator, it’s best to turn to a professional.
Cost of installing a shower base
When costing out a shower base, take into consideration the material, shape, and size. You can pay anywhere from $150 to $1000 for the shower base alone, and then must factor in the cost of installation.
Are you tired of your old shower screen? Looking for something new and unique to replace it with? Fortunately, there is a wide variety of shower screens with stylish and attractive designs to choose from. In the past, there were very little options to choose from, but shower screens have evolved greatly since their inception and we now have more variety than ever before. Here is a look at your shower screen options and how you can liven up your bathroom.
Different types of shower screens
With the wide variety of shower screens available today, you’ll want to first determine the kind that will best suit your bathroom. Here are a few of the most popular options:
Sliding door: The classic sliding door shower screen has at least one fixed panel, with a door thats designed to slide from side to side.
Pivotdoor: These have stationary panels and a door on a pivot hinge for exiting or entering the shower.
Fixed and swing: These have both a fixed panel and a fully swinging door that opens outward. Because of the outwardly swinging door, they’re better for bathrooms that have a bit more space.
Cornershower screens: This corner unit has several fixed panels and a pivoting door to enter and exit the shower.
Fixedpanel: These don’t have a door but instead have fixed panels of glass to create a walk-in shower.
Fully frameless: This type has no frame at all around the screen. The glass panels are instead attached together using specially designed fixings or clamps. A frameless shower creates a streamlined, minimalist look, and it’s especially easy to clean because there’s no place for dirt and soap scum to accumulate.
Semi-frameless: This type of screen has a frame around the outside borders, but has no frame around the doors or interior panels. It gives the appearance of being almost frameless and is significantly cheaper than frameless varieties.
Fully framed: This traditional shower screen style has a frame around the entire shower as well as around each of the glass panels. These are the least expensive of all shower screen types.
Perimeter: Only the outside of the screen is framed, leaving the door completely unframed. Since the door does not have that additional support, perimeter shower frames are best for smaller showers.
Fully framed shower screen advantages
Versatility: Since they enjoy support on all sides, fully framed shower screens are suited to a wider variety of bathroom designs. Customise the look further by choosing framing that either contrasts or blends in with the rest of your bathroom. Glass can come in patterned, frosted, or clear panes, and the door can either pivot or slide.
Price: Where your budget is concerned, fully framed shower screens are your best friend. It’s consistently the most affordable of the four types of screen.
Longevity: If you want a shower screen that will last a lifetime, choose a fully framed shower screen. No matter how long it stands, it will look brand new, and it’s easy to maintain.
Frameless shower screen advantages
The greatest advantage of the frameless shower is the ability to create a clean feeling in the bathroom, while allowing other features in the bathroom to stand out, like a spa, statement basin or tiled wall. An additional benefit is that frameless showers are easy to clean due to the lack of nooks on the surface. Therefore, soap scum, mould and deposits are unable to build up.
Hobless shower pros and cons
Without a barrier to step over, hobless showers can provide a sleek and modern look to any bathroom. They can also be more accessible for those with mobility issues or for anyone who wants a safer and easier experience while showering. However, hobless showers may require additional waterproofing measures to prevent water damage to the surrounding areas, and they may also be more difficult to clean compared to traditional showers. Additionally, the lack of a shower hob can result in water spilling out onto the bathroom floor. As with any home renovation decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.
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Shower screen glass options
Frosted glass shower screens
Frosted glass is glass that is made opaque using acid etching or sandblasting or by applying special window films. Frosted glass lets light through, but can’t be seen through. When frosting glass, the entire panel can be treated or designs can be applied to create a pattern on the glass.
Several things make frosted glass a good choice for shower screens. It gives privacy without creating a sense of being closed in and without cutting out any light. This privacy is especially useful with an open bathroom plan, where the toilet is in the same area as the shower. With frosted glass, other people can use the bathroom at the same time with no loss of privacy for anyone. Frosted glass gives an elegant and classic look to a bathroom and doesn’t interfere with the colours of the tiles and walls in your shower. You can choose to have one or both panels of the shower screen frosted, depending on the layout of the bathroom, your preference and your budget. Frosted glass can be used without a problem in all kinds of shower screens.
Tinted glass for shower screens is just like any tinted glass. A film or coating is applied to the glass to colour it and reduce the light that gets through the screen. Glass is most often tinted in shades of grey, green or blue, but tinting in other colours is available.
Tinting can allow you to decide the level of privacy you want by picking how dark you want the tint to be. Darker tinting allows less light through and creates more privacy. The colours of tinting can also make the shower screen a more prominent feature, with more pop than clear glass. Tinted glass can look elegant, modern or cosy, depending on the colour and depth of tinting and will suit a variety of bathroom styles. As with frosted glass, you can have one or both panels of the screen tinted. When decorating your bathroom, be aware that the colour of tinted glass will alter the look of the tiles and walls of the shower. Make sure you pick tiles and tinting to complement each other and give you the colour result you want.
Shower screen installation
If you’re handy with DIY projects, you should easily be able to instal your own shower screen, but be aware that frameless and semi-frameless styles can be tricky to put in. In addition, you may need to invest in specialised tools in order to do the job properly.
Depending on your skills and your tool supply, you may want to consider bringing in a professional who can do the job for you efficiently and quickly.
So you’ve experienced a high-pressure drencher at your last hotel stay or while a house-guest at your friend’s place, and now you want it! That’s understandable; the sensation of a power shower is incredible, but the planning and installation process is not so straightforward. So, is the feel worth the hassle? You be the judge.
Weighing in on the ‘Power Shower’
A power shower (also called a pump shower) is described as a mixer with an integral pump. The pump increases the rate of flow from the shower head and operates on a low pressure tank-fed system. It must have a dedicated temperature supply (hot and cold water system) and an above ground water supply to be ready to use.
There are two choices to suit your needs: the single and the twin impeller pumps. The single impeller has one pressure blade that pumps the water, mixes it to the right temperature and then drives it through from the shower head. When installing the pump, it’s necessary to position it between the mixer and shower head for proper functioning. With the twin impeller, you can fit it to both the hot and cold water before reaching the mixer port.
Consider that a pump only makes practical sense if you have the appropriate hot and cold system installed in the home. If you have a gravity storage system in your loft space, the distance from that base to the shower head is most likely approximately one metre, which will result in a low pressure shower. Most manufacturers recommend having the pump electrically connected within four metres of the hot water source and at least 30 millimetres below your cold water tank.
Water efficiency
If you are a water conservationist, a power shower is an area to pay keen attention. You can easily rack up double the amount of water with a pump than from a soak in a bath. Some power showers use up to 24 litres of water per minute, while a bath will average 80 litres. If you do the math, youll be 40 litres over the amount for a bath within five minutes.
Luckily, you can purchase a water efficient shower head that conserves water, giving less than 10 litres per minute. However, going any lower than that will lose the power effect of a drencher.
One last note before purchasing a pump: it tends to be noisy to operate. Also, check the drainage in your tub. With a lot more water bursting forth, youll have a pool at your feet in no time if the drainage is inadequate.