Building & renovations

Home renovating tips: What to avoid

Whether you’re a seasoned DIY veteran or just starting out, understanding the potential pitfalls involved with a renovation project is a good way to ensure that you don’t end up with your home in a state of disaster. We’ve compiled a list of the five most common DIY mistakes and a guide on how to avoid them.

Diving in the deep end

The cause of many DIY disasters is from being a little too enthusiastic about starting a project before it’s properly planned out. With numerous DIY shows making it look simple, it’s easy to underestimate the actual size of a job and start something that is above your skill level.

How to avoid: Take a step back from the project and assess if you are up to the challenge. Are you willing to take the time and effort to learn new skills if you need to? Do you have enough of a buffer in your finances if something goes wrong? Start small, if you can, and always have a plan to find help.

How to solve: If you do find yourself in over your head the best thing to do is to take a step back and evaluate. If things have progressed to a point where you have no choice but to continue consider hiring a professional.

Source: Jnaid & Sons

Incorrectly budgeting

This mistake is closely linked to the first. Improperly budgeting can be the undoing of a lot more than just your project. Most building projects have a lot of hidden or incidental costs that may come as a nasty surprise if you start without creating a watertight budget. It’s worthwhile doing lots of research

How to avoid: Before you begin, go over the whole project on paper first. Note down every material you will need, the associated costs, whether or not you have the right tools, etc. Then once you have that final figure add 10% as a buffer in case of any accidents.

How to solve: If you’re stuck in a position where you are running out of money to continue the project, stop working on it. You can end up spending good money after bad if you don’t re assess. That assessment should be about prioritising what need fixing so that you can continue living in your home. That way you will have time to rebuild your funds and finish the project when you are better prepared to do so.

Making mistakes with the measurements

The difference of a few centimetres can cost a lot of time and money. Ordering materials in the wrong size or worse, cutting something to the wrong length can bring a project to a standstill.

How to avoid: Measure twice and cut once. Always make sure that you take down the measurements as accurately as possible. This means not only making sure that your measuring equipment is exact but also that you record the measurement correctly. Don’t be worried if you spend a bit of time ensuring that your measurements are correct. It will save you a lot of time and problems in the long run.

How to solve: If you have cut to the wrong measurements, unfortunately, you have very little option than to either reair the section that has been damaged or buy more materials. However, always keep the remaining materials. They may end up being useful later on in the project or give you extra coverage in a future project should the same issue arise.

Using the wrong tools

Certain materials need to be handled using specific tools. Trying to complete a job using the wrong tools is a dangerous endeavour. You can end up using more force than necessary and end up damaging your home or yourself.

How to avoid: Always use the right tool for the job. If you don’t have the tools at hand, or cannot afford to buy them, see whether there are rental options available to you or whether your friends or family can lend you one.

It’s also important to remember that even if you have the right tool, make sure it is in good working order before you use it. A broken or worn tool can be just as dangerous as the wrong tool.

Take safety seriously

DIY can feel like a hobby. Working on the project whenever you have the time to chip away at a smaller task. However, not having proper ventilation in a room while painting, operation power tools, or demolishing a room can all lead to potentially life-threatening injuries.

How to avoid: Always wear the appropriate safety equipment. Gloves, ear protection, safety glasses, respirators even a dust mask can make all the difference in saving yourself from serious damage. If you’re ever in doubt or don’t have the right tools and equipment to complete a job safely, consult a professional.

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Common kitchen renovation mistakes to avoid


One of the biggest concerns is staying within your budget. You need to be realistic, and you need to make sure you are not spending money that you simply don’t have on a renovation. A good guide to use when doing a renovation is not to spend more than seven percent of the cost of the home to do the renovation. Be flexible with your options, and do not go overboard on a costly project.


You need to make sure you measure properly when renovating a kitchen. If you have the wrong dimensions, it can cause a lot of havoc. There are cabinets, appliances, benchtops, and flooring that are all hinging on your ability to know how much space you have and how to put everything together.

Source: F&F ConstructionsPty Ltd

Beware of the current trends

Do not fall head over heels for what is hot right now. There is a reason they are called trends; they will not last very long. You do not want to have to renovate every couple of years because you are bored with the design or because what you did is now considered hideous. If you want to use the latest idea, make sure it is something that can be changed out easily to stay current.

Get the right pros

Make sure you hire professionals you know you can trust. See what else they have done, and make sure they are able to do all of the work you want within the budget you have. You want them to stay on time and do the job right.

Remember the small details

Yes, we all want the kitchen to look great, but where are you going to plug everything in? Make sure you have power points laid out, as well as the proper lighting and proper appliance location. See how well everything will fit in the newly renovated room.

Proper storage

No matter how nice the kitchen looks when you walk in, it won’t matter if you do not have someplace to put everything. Proper and adequate storage will make you feel better about the area, and it will help you keep your renovated room clean and organised.

Think about the finished product from the start

The kitchen is a place where everyone spends time. You need to make sure that it will look good and function well for you as well. It’s about making it look more modern and eye-catching, while still being comfortable to cook in.


Benefits of a home sauna

If you’re looking for ways to make your home environment warmer and inviting, how about installing a sauna? It may seem like a splurge, but you’ll find that the relaxation and enjoyment you get from your own home sauna is well worth the expense involved. If you’re tempted to start sauna shopping, here are a few things to keep in mind. 

The benefits of a sauna

Few things are more relaxing than a sauna. It can help you to steam off stress and tension so that you’ll emerge feeling lighter, healthier and ready to deal with life again. Saunas also improve circulation and skin tone and are an important tool in detoxing your body. They’re also a great sleep aid, as they relax the mind and body in preparation for a good nights rest.

In addition to these health benefits, saunas will go a long way toward keeping you warm during the cold weather months. There’s a reason why saunas are so popular in areas with long, harsh winters, such as Scandinavia. Saunas warm you up from head to toe, with deep, penetrating heat that seems to radiate all the way down into your bones.

Types of saunas

There are four main types of saunas available for purchase.

  • Dry saunas work through heating up the air (although there is no steam produced).
  • Steam saunas work thanks to water dropped onto superheated volcanic rocks, producing steam.
  • Herbal saunas work the same way as steam saunas, just with the addition of essential oils added to aid in the therapeutic process.
  • Infrared saunas heat the body instead of the air through the use of a special infrared device. Infrared saunas are also clearly the more energy-efficient types of sauna; they’ll also allow for much more time to be spent in them.

How infrared sauna technology works

An infrared sauna uses special heaters that warm only objects in its direct path. These special heaters emit infrared heat, which gently goes into the skin and raises the body temperature, causing profuse sweating. Infrared technology uses the same energy as natural sunlight, but with none of the bad ultraviolet waves.

The air inside a home sauna does not get steamy like those experienced at the gym. Instead, the air temperature retains its comfortable zone.

A sauna with two panels of infrared lights to generate heat
An infrared sauna / Source: Shutterstock

Permanent vs. portable

Infrared heaters can be either permanently installed or portable. Permanent heaters can be installed in a room of your home or in a specially built sauna outside. They need to be installed by an electrician who can handle the wiring. 

Portable infrared heaters can be relocated with you if you move. Portable heaters are also easier to install since they just need to be plugged into a standard outlet. They can range from incredibly simple with just a special heated bag that you sit in and zip up around you to small rooms that are still large enough to comfortably fit you and several friends.

Electric sauna heaters

Electric saunas have different types of heaters. The simplest saunas are the plug and play kind that simply plugs into a power point. Many saunas, however, require the services of a certified electrician. This is especially true of wet saunas, which have more intricate, complex engineering. Since a wet sauna is constantly exposed to moisture, the electric elements have to be housed in such a way that protects them from coming into contact with water. The risk of electrical shock is yet another reason why it’s crucial to hire a licensed electrician to instal a wet sauna rather than attempting to do it yourself.

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Planning the sauna installation

Finding the right location for a sauna is the first step. Extremely versatile, saunas can go indoors or out, can be covered by a structure or free-standing and can even go inside an already available room in your house. Besides the location, you should consider the heat source. There are many choices, including electrical heater, wood-burning stoves, infrared heaters or gas heaters. Each one has its advantages, but the usability will ultimately determine the right one for you.

Consider also how many people will use the sauna in order to pick the right size. Is it just for home use? A smaller, two or three-person tub is perfect. Larger-capacity saunas suit individuals serving guests.

Home saunas are customisable to suit your available space / Source: Shutterstock

Sauna cost

In most cases, a sauna will cost several thousands of dollars. The cost will depend on the size since some larger models can cost up to $10,000 or so. Realise, however, that these will be yours to take with you should you decide to move, and most will last for many years. The benefits they offer for your health and mental state are often worth the cost.

Once you have it in place, you still have to maintain it. That can cost you some money over time. The cost of maintaining it is generally very inexpensive, but you’ll also need it serviced each year to keep it in good working order. Only you can determine if these costs are worthwhile.

Building & renovations

Setting a home renovation budget

Renovations are great for a change of scenery, update old facilities and most importantly, provide an increase in the value of your home. That value, however, can be severely diminished if you end up spending more than your finances can handle.

With that in mind we’ve put together a guide on how to spend wisely on your next home renovation without blowing the budget.

1. Estimating value

As a rule, you should not spend any more on a single room than the value of the room as a percentage of your overall house value. To do this, you will of course, first need to get an estimate of your home’s value.

For instance, if your home’s overall value is $800,000, (the median Australian house price) and you want to renovate your kitchen, which accounts for between 10-15% of your property’s value, then you should aim to spend under $120,000 – or 15% – on your renovation.

Plan and allocate your budget according to which room will ad the most value to your overall property / Source: Ryan Linnegar Photography

It’s also worth keeping in mind that some rooms scale to add more value than others. For instance, while the kitchen is often cited as the make or break room, it offers amongst the lowest return on investment, whereas a moderate bathroom makeover can almost double the money spent.

2. Look at loan options

If you’re borrowing money for your project, make sure you look at what deals are available and what types of loan will work for you. It might seem like common sense, but taking the time now to research your options and choosing one works for you will certainly save you money down the line.

If you’re unsure, speak to a professional who can provide you with the financial advice you need to make an informed decision.

3. Research quotes from contractors

Talking to a professional builder/contractor is the fastest and often the most accurate way to assess the total cost of a project. Start a conversation with a few trusted providers, and use their experience and understanding of the finer aspects of a renovation to accurately assess the cost of a project.

4. Follow the plan

While you’re in the middle of a renovation, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of a project and start thinking about other ways you can add value to your home. Always remember to take a step back and see how these changes would affect your budget and timeline. Reviewing the plan is the best way to avoid blowing your budget as even small additions to a project can carry unexpected costs.

5. Create a buffer

There are always unexpected costs lurking around the corner of any construction project, so provide yourself with a buffer of extra cash to take care of these items. It only needs to be 10% of the total cost of the renovation, however, that 10% can make all the difference in the event of accidents or other setbacks outside of your control. Rather than having to dip into your savings or borrow extra money if the builders need more time or if a window or fixture gets broken and needs replacing, using your emergency fund can save you money in the long run.

An emergency “buffer” fund is essential for any renovation budget / Source: Geoff Comfort Photography

6. Consider all the costs

Keep in mind, when you get an estimate from your builder, it will typically cover only the base price of construction and materials without factoring in the price of interior finishing. In order to finish your home, you’ll have to factor in additional costs for interior fixtures such as these:

  • Flooring
  • Window treatments
  • Lighting and fixtures
  • Landscaping services
  • Driveways and pathways
  • Utility connections for your electricity and for appliances such as phones, computers and television
  • Water, sewerage and garbage disposal costs
  • Ground excavation for the build
  • Cabinetry and appliances for kitchen and bathroom
  • Energy-efficient additions such as added insulation, solar panels, solar-heated water systems and tanks to collect rainwater

To help control your budget, talk to your builder and find out how many of these interior fixtures are included in the estimate. If they aren’t, ask if your builder can recommend professionals who can do these jobs for you at a reasonable price.

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7. Keep your expectations realistic

It’s crucial to be realistic about the things you can and can’t have in your new home. For example, if you’re on a strict budget, you probably won’t be able to splurge on granite benchtops in your kitchen or bathroom. With all the luxury accessories, fixtures and materials available, it’s easy to get carried away and fall in love with everything you see, but you can quickly end up ruining your entire construction project if you don’t keep the spending in check. From the very start, you need to look at how much you’re paying for the site, and add on the base construction price. Whatever is left in your budget can be used for interior finishing, but be sure and set a budget by parceling out an appropriate amount for each area. Don’t start shopping for these goodies until you’ve set strict monetary limits on each section of your list. 

The good news is that, with auctions, online auction sites and clearance sales, you can still get luxury items well within your budget. Just use your bargaining skills to locate great deals, and keep your eye open for discontinued stock.

Bathroom & laundry

The key to a powerful shower

So you’ve experienced a high-pressure drencher at your last hotel stay or while a house-guest at your friend’s place, and now you want it! That’s understandable; the sensation of a power shower is incredible, but the planning and installation process is not so straightforward. So, is the feel worth the hassle? You be the judge.

Weighing in on the ‘Power Shower’

A power shower (also called a pump shower) is described as a mixer with an integral pump. The pump increases the rate of flow from the shower head and operates on a low pressure tank-fed system. It must have a dedicated temperature supply (hot and cold water system) and an above ground water supply to be ready to use.

Source: Esteem Building & Renovations

Choices in shower pumps

There are two choices to suit your needs: the single and the twin impeller pumps. The single impeller has one pressure blade that pumps the water, mixes it to the right temperature and then drives it through from the shower head. When installing the pump, it’s necessary to position it between the mixer and shower head for proper functioning. With the twin impeller, you can fit it to both the hot and cold water before reaching the mixer port.

Consider that a pump only makes practical sense if you have the appropriate hot and cold system installed in the home. If you have a gravity storage system in your loft space, the distance from that base to the shower head is most likely approximately one metre, which will result in a low pressure shower. Most manufacturers recommend having the pump electrically connected within four metres of the hot water source and at least 30 millimetres below your cold water tank.

Water efficiency

If you are a water conservationist, a power shower is an area to pay keen attention. You can easily rack up double the amount of water with a pump than from a soak in a bath. Some power showers use up to 24 litres of water per minute, while a bath will average 80 litres. If you do the math, youll be 40 litres over the amount for a bath within five minutes.

Luckily, you can purchase a water efficient shower head that conserves water, giving less than 10 litres per minute. However, going any lower than that will lose the power effect of a drencher.

One last note before purchasing a pump: it tends to be noisy to operate. Also, check the drainage in your tub. With a lot more water bursting forth, youll have a pool at your feet in no time if the drainage is inadequate.


What is the best material for kitchen benchtops?

With a variety of benchtop styles and materials available for your kitchen design, choosing between a marble, stone or timber benchtop can be overwhelming. The benchtop you invest in can influence the ambience and style of your entire kitchen space.

Timber benchtops

Timber is the old reliable and the old standby. It’s been one of the favourites of people around the country for years and years. It offers a huge array of hardwood trees to craft into the benchtop. Tasmanian Oak (or Tassie Oak) boasts a light-brown to pale-blonde colour. Jarrah is dense, dark and red, going perfectly with areas that have plenty of natural light. Blackbutt can come in plenty of different shades or colours, and it’s cheaper than Tasmanian Oak. Red Gum has a naturally rich, red colour.

A timber benchtop can prove to be a truly beautiful addition to any kitchen – it’s got a classic, natural feel that is impossible to find among the many, many other material options you have out there.  You can either choose from a solid slab of timber or one that is made from several joined-together boards. There are dozens of varieties of timber to choose from, which means you’ll likely be able to find a style and colour of wood that perfectly suits the look you’re after.

Source: Keystone Quality Constructions

Timber benchtops are also incredibly durable. When you’re ready to change up your look – you can either sand it back and refinish, or recycle it. Timber fits especially well with certain types of kitchens – for example those in a ”rustic” style – where the cracks and nicks of age actually make everything look better. Timber is also low-maintenance and, if you’re going to use recycled timber, it’s actually very cost-effective.

Here are other things you should know about timber benchtops.

Sealing Timber Benchtops:

As with any natural product, timber is susceptible to daily wear and tear. To protect the timber and increase its lifespan, it’s essential to seal it regularly. Sealing timber benchtops creates an extra protective barrier, preventing it from absorbing liquids and allowing it to be more resistant to scratches and staining. It’s recommended to seal the timber benchtop with a food-safe sealant designed for this purpose.

Rubber Wood Benchtops:

Rubberwood, also known as parawood, is a popular choice for timber benchtops. It’s lightweight and durable, making it ideal for use in the kitchen. However, it’s worth noting that the colour of rubber wood tends to be lighter than other varieties, so take this into consideration when choosing the colour palette for your kitchen.

Acacia Solid Oiled Hardwood Project Panel:

Acacia is a hardwood that is well-suited to use as a kitchen benchtop. It is a durable and long-lasting timber, with a natural, warm, and appealing aesthetic. Acacia solid oiled hardwood project panel is an easy-to-install pre-cut panel that can be cut to size to fit any kitchen benchtop. The oiled finish provides a non-toxic food-safe sealant that helps the timber last longer and is a popular choice for those looking for an all-natural benchtop option.

Beech Laminated Panel:

Beech laminated panel is a practical choice for a timber benchtop. It is a stable wood, almost white in color, and is less expensive than some of the other timber options available. It offers good durability, with the rigidness and ease of use found in manufactured wood like MDF or plywood. This makes Beech laminated panel ideal for those looking for a more affordable timber benchtop option.

However, timber might not be as strong as other materials you can pick for your benchtop, and is not heat-resistant. That means that your benchtop is likely to get scratched, stained and nicked over time. You can protect the timber benchtop with finishes, but even then, they’ll likely get damaged over time. Timber benchtops can be very vulnerable – susceptible to water damage – so you’ll have to be very, very careful around them. Timber might also not fit into the different style of your home. The wood can clash against a more modern, streamlined approach, for example. Think carefully about the style before you decide on timber.

Marble benchtops

A marble benchtop gives a striking, elegant and timeless edge to your kitchen space. The option between honed or polished finishes, as well as the colourful range of patterns and tones offers an extensive range of marble options that add a unique touch to your kitchen space.

As a durable option, marble is an economical investment for your kitchen, lasting longer with everyday use without replacement or repair. While staining may have been a problem with marble benchtops in the past, contemporary marble benchtops are treated with sealants that prevent liquids from penetrating and staining the stone. With regular sealing and cleaning, marble can be a long-lasting option but it is not scratch or stain resistant.

Beautiful renovated kitchen with marble and timber
Marble is a durable and fashionable option for your kitchen benchtop / Source: Henry and Co Interiors

Marble is also incredibly versatile, enhancing different types of flooring or wall treatments, and working well with different design schemes. Whether you have a rustic country pine kitchen or a contemporary kitchen gleaming with glass and chrome, marble will make everything look even better, increasing the overall style of your kitchen space.

Granite benchtops

Granite is a fairly low maintenance option, its non-porous surface allows the surface to retain a fresh, new look for years. Granite is available in a range of shades and colours to ensure it adapts to your decor. Unlike the natural finish of marble, granite benchtops create a uniform and solid look.

Similarly to marble, granite also requires frequent sealing to ensure it remains looking new and should be cleaned regularly to prolong the life of its surface.

Granite is considered to be more durable than marble with a surface that is highly resistant to scratches and spills, but can be on the expensive side. As a heat resistant and scratch resistant stone, Granite requires less maintenance than marble and is mostly resistant to acidic spills, offering a popular alternative for your kitchen space.

Source: My New Cabinets

Bamboo benchtops

Bamboo benchtops are both beautiful and functional, making them a great, unique choice for your kitchen. Bamboo is similar to timber but has its own distinct grain and colour that looks good in any kitchen. Bamboo is durable, stable, easy to clean and not affected by heat or cold, making it perfect for any type of cooking setting.

Bamboo benchtops are, in most cases, scratch-resistant and easy to sand down and re-varnish. Since these benchtops are not affected by water or moisture, they will not misshape or warp, and being moisture-resistant means that they will also not decay or support the growth of mould. Another great benefit is the fact that they do not expand or contract with the weather as timber benchtops do.

Bamboo benchtops are also an environmentally friendly option because they are made from an entirely renewable resource. Not only is it renewable, but it is also plentiful, and it grows back quickly so using it is not depleting the world bamboo supply.

Onyx benchtops

For a pure, elegant and visually striking choice, you can try the natural stone onyx. Onyx is a type of marble rock; its amazing and natural translucency, along with the striking, contrasting bands of colour that run through the stone, combine to make it arrestingly beautiful. It has plenty of colour choices – from honey golds or minty greens, to rich browns and reds – and you can either polish it to a high gloss or give it a cool-looking matte-like finish by honing it.

Just like every other feature of the kitchen or the house, though, you’re going to have to care for onyx benchtops to make sure they look good and last for a long time. Use a powerful and reliable sealer on the onyx benchtop when it is first installed to make sure it’s protected against spills and accidents. You will also need to reapply the sealer on a regular basis. Additionally, make sure not to use acids or acid-based cleaning agents when wiping down the onyx benchtop; these can harm the delicate finish. Just do a little bit of simple maintenance, and you should have this beautiful kitchen benchtop for a long time.

Glass benchtops

There are a number of options for customisation when it comes to glass benchtops in the kitchen:

  • Patterned stumped glass
  • Painted glass
  • Plain glass
  • Tinted glass

It can be freestanding or laid on top of another material like stone or timber. They aren’t available in standardized sizes so must be cut once to a specific measurement. You can however opt for a recycled glass – making it an environmentally friendly option.

Glass benchtops are a hygienic kitchen benchtop option since there are no crevices or joints for which bacteria can build. They are extremely easy to clean and won’t stain – it’s as simple as wiping them down with a cleaning solution or wipes. They are heat resistant so hot pans on the counter are not a worry.

Laminate benchtops

The cheapest type of kitchen benchtop is the laminate benchtop. It’s also one of the more customisable, available in a huge range of high-end styles, colours and patterns. However, for as cheap and as customisable as benchtops are, there is a downside. Laminate benchtops are thinner than other styles and won’t last as long as timber, solid surfaces or stainless steel.

Stainless steel benchtops

Stainless steel is also popular these days, offering a sophisticated look when paired with neutrals or black and white. Gourmet chefs love stainless steel, as it fits in well with whatever type of kitchen you have. It’s very expensive, but it’s also durable. All the maintenance stainless steel needs is a regular wash and polish, plus benchtops made of stainless steel are heat and water-resistant. Scratches to the surface can be easily buffed out.

Building & renovations

Home renovation vs extension

There are many different reasons why people decide they want to renovate or extend their current living situation. You may simply want to update the look and feel of your space or improve areas like the kitchen or bathroom for re-sell value. Renovations can aid in making a space feel larger, or mean you can use the space more effectively. If you’re wanting to physically add more space to your home, you may be considering a home extension – adding another whole storey, an extra room or even a granny flat.

Whether you opt for an extension/addition or renovation, there are multiple pros and cons for both. Your decision also depends on your budget, desired time taken to complete the project, and most importantly, what you want to get out of it – adding more space, reconfiguring, updating the look – whatever it may be, here are the pros and cons for extensions and renovations.

Extending or renovating your home can give you extra entertaining space / Source: Start2Finish Interiors Design Management

Extensions: the pros and cons


  • It can increase the value of your home.
  • Ground floor extensions are typically more affordable than adding another floor or excavating basement space.
  • Adds more space.
  • It can change the way the natural light flows into rooms, potentially energy saving.
  • An extension is cheaper than buying a new home. It saves the hassle of selling your previous home, hiring a real estate agent, paying off the mortgage and starting to pay off another mortgage on the new home.
  • Adding an extension upwards rather than outwards preserves your backyard and garden.


  • Tends to be more expensive than renovations.
  • Home extensions can be more expensive if your house resides on a slope.
  • Generally, extending your home upwards is more expensive than extending outwards.
When deciding on how to renovate, you”ll need to consider what your end goal is / Source: Mo Mo Concepts

Renovations: the pros and cons


  • It can increase the value of your home.
  • Typically cheaper than extensions and additions.
  • Less than half the expense will go towards materials – around one-third of the final cost will go towards materials.


  • Smaller renovations can end up more expensive per square metre than larger renos as many overhead costs are at a fixed cost e.g. getting a DA from your council.
  • Fees, levies, permits, taxes and GST accounts for around 20% of the overall cost of the reno.
  • If you’re planning to put your house on the market after the renovation, going overboard with expensive fittings such as high end taps, door handles and tiles can end up doing more harm than good. It’s likely that potential buyers won’t necessarily have the same preferences as you and won’t be prepared to pay extra for it.

Wrap up

Evaluating the pros and cons of your possible options may aid you in the process of choice. However, it’s likely that you already have an idea of what you’d like to alter regarding your home, and it’s more useful to be informed on what to expect based on your personal preferences and constraints – whether it’s your budget, land size or anything else. The process of building and renovating is a complicated process that can prove difficult to comprehend fully. If you’re still feeling lost, connect with a builder or renovations expert to obtain a quote for your desired project.


Renovating your kitchen? Here’s where to start

The kitchen, as they say, is truly the ‘heart of the home’. We spend a great deal of time in our kitchens, so it’s important they reflect our lifestyle, accommodate our needs and complement the rest of our home’s decor.

Deciding to makeover your kitchen is an exciting project that can improve the overall look and feel of your home, its functionality and liveability whilst increasing its value. However it can also be incredibly challenging if you haven’t adequately prepared and thought it through. Avoid costly mistakes with some careful planning and consideration.

When dreaming up your perfect kitchen, there are a few important considerations before you get started / Source: Henry & Co Interiors

Before you get started, here’s some of the things to consider for your kitchen renovation.

What are your goals?

The best place to start is to think about what you want to achieve from your renovation. Sometimes it’s not just that your kitchen has become outdated and doesn’t look the way you want it to – there could be something that has always annoyed you, like the pantry is too small or there isn’t enough storage space. Do you want more natural light? Do you want it to be environmentally friendly? Do you need more preparation space?

Set clear objectives at the beginning of your project so that you don’t get to the end and still have nowhere to put the pots and pans. Write a list of what you don’t like about your current kitchen and what you’d want in your new one.


Kitchen renovations can be expensive. Set a realistic preliminary budget that you’re comfortable with, as your budget will determine the scale of your make over. It’s also a good idea to have a contingency allocation if something goes wrong. Decide what’s absolutely essential, what you’re willing to compromise on and what can be added in down the track.

Once you’ve established your budget, you can better determine how extensive the renovation will be, which will then dictate which professionals you will need to hire. If a complete renovation isn’t an option, there are plenty of things you can change to refresh and add value.

Changing the lighting, appliances and bench tops are some of the things that can easily be done on a budget that will make a big difference. Be sure to make the most of your money and add value.

Find inspiration

It’s easy to jump in and pick something out of a magazine without thinking through the design as a whole. You don’t want your kitchen to quickly date so do your homework and find classic, timeless designs that will complement the rest of your home.

Light, bright kitchens usually work best and you can always add colour and design elements with accessories that can easily be changed or updated.

Create a collection of inspiring images, get samples and actually see the products where possible instead of just looking online. Try out some visual rendering technology if you can, it will give you a better idea of what your finished product will look like.

Source: Helicrete Pty Ltd

Layout and design

The size and location of your space is a major factor in determining your kitchen’s layout. There are various options available, ranging from a U-shaped kitchen, an L shaped kitchen, and a galley style. Depending on the style you select, you also need to consider islands, peninsulas, and even a breakfast bar, if it suits your needs and space available.

Alongside these considerations, functionality is hugely important. Think about what’s important for you and your family and ensure there is a considered flow in the design. You don’t want to have the dishwasher a walk away from the sink, or nowhere to put anything next to your cooktop.

If your family routine is that the kids do their homework while you make dinner, make sure there’s enough space for them to do so. Role-playing the preparation and cooking process with your design in mind can help, and it will quickly become apparent if something isn’t right.

Every square centimetre needs to work hard and be carefully planned. Some things to think about:

  • The height of the appliances
  • Width of walkways – don’t make them too narrow once doors are open
  • Location of power outlets
  • Adequate bench space for preparation
  • Adequate storage space
  • A place to sit and eat
  • Integration with other rooms in the house
  • Orientation of sunlight
  • Your view from the workspace

Work with what you’ve got

Before you let loose with a sledgehammer, think about what can remain in place. Leaving existing cabinetry and changing out the drawer and cupboard fronts can be a big money saver, and won’t necessarily affect the look or design of the kitchen. When moving key components, like the location of appliances or sinks, realise that this means a larger budget for moving plumbing and electrical components.

There are a raft of incredible products out there that can transform almost anything, from stained sinks to tired laminate benchtops. Don’t discount what a lick of paint can do either. Be smart with your money and it will stretch much further.

Spend your money wisely

It’s sometimes tempting to opt for cheaper labour, fixtures and fittings to keep costs down, but often the end result can be compromised. Be wise with your budget and spend money on quality where you can. Look at spending money on a few, key feature items or focal points for maximum impact.

Don’t forget the details

As they say, the devil is in the detail. You don’t want your beautiful new kitchen to be spoilt by the hideous tapware you chose in a hurry. Things like taps, power point covers, light switches and handles can make a big difference to the overall look of your kitchen and should be carefully considered.


Think about what’s most important to you, and what you’d like to splurge on. Appliance dimensions and positioning can affect the overall design and layout so do your homework and get the most bang for your buck. Decide whether you’d like to have appliances hidden within cabinetry or out on display, and plan accordingly.

You shouldn’t wait until the end to purchase your appliances. The spaces in your kitchen need to be allotted to accommodate the appliances you plan to install. Choose appliances that fit your needs but also help you keep your budget in line.

Source: Esteem Building & Renovations

Timing is everything

Be organised and have a schedule of works if you’re managing the project yourself to make sure trades are completed in the correct order. Doing so will avoid costly mistakes and save you time and money.

Do you need plans and council approval?

Depending on the extent of your renovation, you may need to have plans drawn up or gain local council approval. Most councils allow for minor changes that don’t alter the structure or services such as plumbing, drainage and electrical, however it is always best to check what your local government’s policies are, or your builder will be able to advise you if you have one.


The importance and benefits of regular roof maintenance

Maintaining your roof with regularly scheduled checkups can ensure the structure covering your home is stable to keep you and your families safe. Homeowners give importance to roof health, the moment something severe occurs. For instance, there could be water accumulation in the house. And the chances are that the potential damage is already done. Hence, there’s a need for regular roof inspections and maintenance activities.

Regardless of whether you run a high-volume plant or a little boutique business, keeping up appearances and protected property is likely high on your need list. That is the reason such a large number of business and mechanical ventures put resources into intermittent business material upkeep. In any case, there are a higher number of advantages to doing as such than just wellbeing and appearance.

At the point when rooftop spills are not distinguished and tended to in time, they will at last lead to discolouring steel just as debilitating materials, consequently bargaining the auxiliary respectability of the house. Fixing spilling rooftops is generous speculation for property holders. It’s essential to have a proactive support plan for your home or business rooftop by distinguishing and repairing small issues before they become significant problems. Being prepared can also mean that your expenses for new materials. Here are some benefits that Patriot Roofing and Construction, a roofing company in the United States, highlight for systematic and regular roof maintenance.

Dark grey colorbond roof of a single storey house on an overcast day.
A freshly cleaned roof can add extra street appeal to your property / Source: Evolution Gutters & Downpipes

It prevents your roof from the visible wear and tears

With time your roof will undergo ample wear and tear! And it is necessary to inspect it regularly. It would be best if you hire a professional roofer to check your roof when there’s a need for it. Also, getting the roofer for an annual check is essential. Solar energy, wind, snow, and rainstorms usually wear out the roofing materials. Completing essential roof maintenance and repairs will keep you strategically distant from costly fixes and upkeep. It’s imperative to comprehend that most makers of roofing materials put it clearly on their guidelines that inability to do appropriate support could void the guarantee given.

Adds more years to your roof

Roofs are costly and will eventually come towards the end of their lifecycle! But when you deploy the best roof maintenance steps, you can make your roof more durable. It also saves you from investing in new roofs before the end of its lifecycle. Today, the best roofing contractors are available to assist you in providing the best maintenance and upkeep tactics to expand the roof’s lifespan. It would be best if you averted expensive repairs as you sort out major and minor damages with time.

Also, proper roof maintenance helps you to add to the savings as well. You likely don’t contemplate your rooftop except if something turns out badly with it. Tragically, when that you notice something isn’t right, the fix might be costly, or the harm could be broad to such an extent that it is hopeless. At Superior Roofing Company of Georgia, Inc., we realise that there are some valid justifications to enlist a natural material and fix administration to turn out to your home at ordinary interims. With ordinary assistance calls, your home will hold its worth, appearance, and claim.

Aerial view of an orange tiled single storey house with 3 skylights and a cimney
Aerial view of a well-maintained tiled roof / Source: All Roof Repair Pty Ltd

Repairs the damages in perfect time

Almost anything can lead to roof damage! It can occur from strong winds to the tree falling atop the roof! Also, the damages come in every size and shape. Hence, it’s best to repair the same at the earliest. The moment your roof undergoes major or minor damage, roofing repair is essential. If you find tree limbs and branches on the roof, you can eliminate it before its weight results in excess loss.

Helps to clear the fauna and flora from the roof

Having fauna and flora on your roof is a common phenomenon! However, it’s a smart call to get it cleared before the damage. When you find the winds are blowing seeds to the roof, it’s common that a few of them would germinate, in the rainy season. Clearing the greenery from your roof has both functional and aesthetic benefits. The fauna and flora on the roof affect the drainage that, in turn, leads to the debris trapped on the roof tracks. Probably the most significant duty you have as a property holder is ensuring your venture. Even though you may live in a protected neighbourhood, you despite everything need to ensure that each part of your property is up to code.

Removing moisture from the roof

When you eliminate the excess roof moisture, you automatically maintain the roof health! When you say yes to systematic and regular roof inspections, you will have a clean and stable roof. The moisture removal is essential as standing water gives rise to mosquitoes and other germs and bacteria as well. Much the same as everything else, time will in general negatively affect your rooftop, particularly on the off chance that you don’t have it usually assessed. Making meetings with an expert roofer guarantees that the rooftop in our inspections and repairs. Rainstorms, day off, and even sun oriented vitality will, in general, wear out roofing materials so keep in touch with your roofing professional.


These are some of the reasons for which you need to say yes to regular roof maintenance. Make sure you take the guidance from an expert roofing company to leverage the benefits. All mortgage holders will require their homes to expect the best and great structure consistently. Remember maintaining your home’s rooftop will not only make your home look great but ensure it is safe!

Walls & flooring

The steps to take when renovating floors

There are a lot of big and small housing projects that can make a significant impact on how a home feels. One of those projects that are commonly tackled is getting new floors. When you start thinking about getting new floors for your house, there are a lot of decisions to make. Do you want tile or hardwood? Should you pick Berber or plush carpeting?

Once you’ve figured out what kind of floor you want there are more decisions to be made like, who is going to install the floor and how long will it take? If you need a guide for some of the steps to take when you’re planning to remodel your floors keep reading.

Don’t be overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. Taking each step at a time is all you need to do to prepare yourself and your home for the new flooring that is going to take your house to a new level.

1. Get prepared

When you’re ready to jump into getting a new floor, the first thing you will need to do is have your floored measured. You can do this yourself for a rough estimate while you shop for the floor treatments you prefer, but it is important to have a professional come out to your home and measure before an order is placed. You don’t want to be stuck without enough carpet or tile!

Once all your supplies are in stock, go ahead and schedule an installation date. Before your installers come, have a plan to move furniture out of the way so they can quickly get your new floor put in. If you are having multiple rooms of flooring put in, you may have to move your furniture in stages.

It may seem like a lot of work to move all your furniture but rearranging it around your home is easier than renting a storage unit. You can check if your installers are able to move your furniture but be aware that may be an extra fee if you opt not to do it yourself.

You will also want to make sure you have a clear path ready for the installers to bring in all the materials. If you’ve blocked off your entryway with your couch and coffee table, they won’t be able to easily maneuver their way in with a huge roll of carpet. You may also need to take fragile items off your walls since the hammering may disrupt them or cause them to fall.

Another thing to plan before your installation process begins is, having a waste removal plan. It may be that your installers will take your old carpeting and carpet pad, but it is certainly good to have an expectation of what will happen. If you are responsible for hiring a skip bin, be sure to schedule it’s delivery early, so you don’t stall the installation timeline.

2. Seal off and protect

If you are having a hardwood floor installed, sealing off rooms that aren’t getting flooring is especially important. Any flooring project is going to kick up some dust and debris, but the process for hardwood flooring can be very messy, especially when sanding is necessary which it often is.

You will want to try to keep the dust in your home to a minimum if possible, and the best ways to do that are to seal rooms off completely. If you will need to access rooms during the flooring process, then the next best thing is to use zippered plastic seals, so that rooms can be closed off as much as possible.

It is important to remove doors that go between areas where new flooring will go. Keep track of all the hinge pieces in labelled bags so the doors will reinstall easily and you won’t find a hinge pin has gone missing. Storing the doors out of the way will help prevent them from being damaged.

Don’t forget to seal air vents as well, especially since the dust can damage your HVAC system. Dust also be transported around your home and cause respiratory issues. If you need to run the air conditioning or heat during your installation, use fibreglass sheets to help keep the dust at bay while still allowing airflow.

You may want to get an air purifier to help cut down on the dust in the air and help you breathe better while you get a new floor. Be sure to protect the floors that will not be remodelled, so they aren’t damaged by heavy equipment and your installer’s boots. Old carpeting, thick towels or plastic pads are great options to keep your other floors looking great.

3. Check your subfloor

You may not give much thought to your subfloor, the plywood surface that your new floor will rest on, but you should. If your subfloor is rotten or has cracks or dips, seek help from flooring businesses to have it replaced or fixed so that your floor looks it’s very best. The subfloor can also be the cause for those squeaks you hear, so this is a great time to update it if needed!

Since your subfloor is the foundation of your new floor, you want it to be at it’s best. Have your flooring experts include a new subfloor in your estimate so all the work can be done at once. Another option involves replacing them yourselves before the installation. You want your subfloor to be stable and even for the best installation possible.

If when your old flooring is removed there are excess nails or staples in the subfloor a professional installer will have a plan in place and know what to do to remove them so that your new floor will look great on even, and good quality subfloor.

Room undergoing renovation with dusty wooden floors and guttered walls.
Create a flat and even subfloor for your new flooring. / Source: The Trady Lady

4. Get the floor installed

Laying carpet is an entirely different process than installing a hardwood floor. The next step is to make sure the floor installation is correct. Hiring a professional to put your new floor in place is the best indicator that you’re on the right track to a great new floor. Still, even professionals can make mistakes, so be sure to look over their work before they leave.

Installing carpeting can go quickly; in many cases, it will be a one day process that is completed in a matter of hours. Hardwood floors can take up to a week to be completed depending on the size of the area you are putting the wooden floor in. Hardwood floors have specific aftercare instructions that should be followed.

Once your hardwood floors are in place, you can walk on them in about 6 hours with socks on. It is best to wait at least 24 hours before walking on new hardwood floors with shoes on and waiting a minimum of 48 hours before you move your furniture back into place. These rules may seem inconvenient but follow them if you want your investment to last without damage.

With proper care and maintenance, a good hardwood floor’s finish should last a minimum of 10 years. They can last potentially longer by giving the floor time before you begin walking through consistently.

Large kitchen with timber floors, timber cabinetry, and white benchtops.
A hardwood timber floor can transform the look of your home / Source: Absolute

5. Finishing touches


If you were going to get new baseboards or paint to follow up on your new floor, now is the time to do it. It is always better to put baseboards on after the flooring so the baseboards won’t suffer any damage from flooring installation.

Mouldings and floor trims:

Mouldings and trims have the ability to give your flooring materials an ideal fit around the edges. They’re available in various kinds. 

If you’re planning to cover a gap between your walls and skirting board, you can use quarter-round moulding. End-cap moulding or square-nose moulding is a decorative edging strip used around your metal door tracking and around your walls. It connects two flooring materials that are not of the same type. It’s also used as alternate option to quarter-round moulding.

If any trim or threshold pieces need to be placed, this is when that will happen as well. There may be some cleanup to do, but once you’ve waited the allotted time, you can move your furniture back into place and enjoy your new floor.

Coatings (sealants, oils and lacquers):

To prevent dirt and spills from ruining your wooden floor, you may want to apply a coat of lacquer or oil. With so many choices, choosing the right floor coating can be overwhelming unless you know a bit about its chemical makeup. 

For example, solvent-borne, polyurethane-based coatings are great for resisting scratches and wear and tear, but these finishes will yellow with time. Oil-modified urethane coatings have a mineral base and will make your floor look beautiful, but they have to be reapplied every few years. Water-borne polyurethanes have an advantage because they’re non-toxic, and they never yellow. They’re also durable and fast-drying, which makes them a superb option for your floor. Epoxy-based coatings have strong chemical compounds that bond together to create an extremely hard, durable finish. If you live with children or elderly family members and you’re worried about safety, you can also opt for an anti-slip coating, which improves floor traction and makes falls less likely to occur. Acrylic and coloured sealant work best on laminate or timber flooring.


Getting a new floor can be easy when you follow these five steps. Work with your professional flooring experts to get the best possible experience and the floor you’ve always wanted. Whether you pick tile, carpet or another flooring option your experience may vary but these steps are necessary to work for anyone and any flooring project.

Walls & flooring

Plaster vs render: What’s the difference?

Knowing the difference between plaster vs. render is essential for anyone tackling a construction or renovation project. Failing to grasp this distinction can lead to suboptimal outcomes, wasted time, and unnecessary expenses. This article aims to clarify render vs. plaster techniques, their applications, and when to use each one, helping you make informed decisions for your next project.

What is plastering and when should you get plastering help?

Plastering is used for interior walls. Source: Shutterstock

Plastering is the process of applying a smooth, durable finish to interior walls and ceilings. It involves spreading a mixture of lime, cement, sand, and water onto surfaces to create a seamless, flat finish. Plaster is commonly used for:

  • Smoothing rough interior walls
  • Repairing damaged drywall
  • Creating decorative finishes
  • Improving sound insulation

Common types of plaster include gypsum, lime, and cement plaster. Each type has specific properties suited to different applications and environmental conditions.

Plastering typically costs $20 to $90 per square metre, depending on the type of plastering work. More complex or ornamental plastering can cost up to $85 or more. Many plasterers also offer daily rates at around $240 or higher or hourly rates at $50 or more. Plastering costs can vary based on factors like job complexity, location, and the plasterer’s experience, so it’s advisable to obtain multiple quotes for accurate pricing.

What is rendering and when should you get rendering help?

Rendering is used for external walls. Source: Shutterstock

Rendering is the application of a cement-based rendering mixture to external walls to create a protective and decorative finish. It provides a durable, weather-resistant surface that can enhance a building’s appearance and improve its structural integrity. Render is typically used for:

  • Weatherproofing exterior walls
  • Improving thermal insulation
  • Enhancing curb appeal
  • Protecting brickwork or masonry

There are various types of render, including traditional cement render, lime, and modern acrylic or polymer-modified renders. Each type offers different benefits in terms of durability, flexibility, and aesthetic options.

Since rendering is more expensive than plastering, it’s recommended that you use the services of a qualified plasterer to complete rendering work for your home. It takes a skilled hand to achieve professional results.

Plaster vs. render: Which one applies to your needs?

If you’re wondering whether it’s better to use plaster vs. cement render for filling walls, here’s a breakdown of each.

a handyman using a trowel to plaster a wall
Call your local handyman to get your interior or exterior walls fixed. | Source: iStock

Material mixture and composition

Plaster typically consists of gypsum, lime, or cement mixed with water. This composition results in a softer, more porous material suitable for interior use. It contains less cement than render since it merely coats the interior walls and ceilings of buildings to prep them for painting or wallpapering.

Render, on the other hand, is made from cement, lime, sand, and water, creating a harder, more weather-resistant mixture ideal for exterior applications. Depending on the render, some key ingredients give it its definition; for example, lime gypsum gives the coating a creamy appearance, while finer sand can create a smooth finish.

Plaster composition allows for a smoother finish and better sound insulation, while the render’s robust mixture provides superior weather protection and durability against the elements. The material choice affects not only the appearance but also the lifespan and maintenance requirements of the entire surface.

Application techniques

Plastering typically involves three layers: a base coat, a second coat, and a finish coat. Each layer is applied with trowels and allowed to dry before the next is added. The process requires skill to achieve a perfectly smooth surface.

Plaster must be set and completely dry before painting the walls. A freshly plastered wall can take at least a week and up to a month to dry. You can tell when the plaster is completely dry when there are no dark patches visible, and the coating is light and even.

On the other hand, rendering usually involves applying one or two coats to exterior walls using a trowel or spray equipment. A workman may then finish it with different tools depending on the homeowner’s desired appearance—either a smooth, flat finish or with a texture or pattern. Also, some modern renders can be applied in a single coat, saving time and man-hours.

Durability and maintenance

a blue wall with two holes in the sheetrock from a wall being punched by hand
Get your damaged walls repaired by a skilled handyman. | Source: iStock

Plaster, being an interior finish, is less at risk of harsh conditions, but it can still be prone to cracking due to building movement or moisture issues. Regular painting and prompt repair of any cracks or chips can extend its lifespan.

Meanwhile, the render is exposed to the elements. While it’s certainly more durable, it requires proper maintenance to prevent issues like cracking or water ingress. Regular cleaning, repainting every 5 to 10 years, and addressing any cracks promptly can ensure that the render remains effective and attractive for decades.

Important note: Before undertaking any plastering or rendering work on older buildings (particularly those built from the 1930s to the 1970s), have the surfaces checked for asbestos. Consult a licensed asbestos professional if you suspect its presence.

Function and uses

Plaster is primarily used for internal walls and ceilings, providing a smooth, even surface that’s ideal for painting or decorative finishes. It’s excellent for creating intricate mouldings and ornamental features.

Render is used to coat external walls, both for protection and decoration. It shields the underlying structure from weather damage, improves thermal insulation, and can significantly enhance a building’s superficial appeal. Render is particularly useful for covering imperfections in brickwork or concrete surfaces or mending exterior walls’ cosmetic defects.

Sustainability and environmental impact

Both plaster and render have environmental implications. Traditional plaster and render mixes can generate significant waste and have a high carbon footprint due to cement production. However, the industry is moving towards more sustainable practices.

Eco-friendly alternatives like clay plasters and lime renders are gaining popularity. These materials have lower embodied energy, are often locally sourced, and can be recycled. Some innovative products incorporate recycled materials or industrial by-products, reducing waste and environmental impact.

Proper application techniques can minimise waste, and some companies now offer recycling services for leftover materials. Additionally, well-maintained plaster and render can contribute to a building’s energy efficiency, potentially offsetting its initial environmental cost over time.

Beyond the surface: rendering vs. plastering

Understanding the difference between render and plaster is crucial for any home improvement or building project. Both techniques serve unique purposes, with plaster enhancing interiors and render protecting exteriors. 

For the best results, consult a qualified plasterer or renderer who can assess your specific needs and provide expert advice tailored to your project. With the right application, you’ll achieve a stunning and durable finish that stands the test of time.

Ready to give your walls a refresh? Post a job on Oneflare and connect with top-rated plasterers or renderers near you.

FAQs on plastering vs rendering

Do plasterers do rendering?

Not all plasterers do rendering. Plastering and rendering are distinct trades, though some professionals are skilled in both. Plasterers primarily focus on interior work, applying plaster to walls and ceilings. Renderers specialise in exterior finishes, applying cement-based mixtures to outside walls.

If you need rendering done, it’s best to look for a skilled professional in that specific field. Always check their experience and qualifications for the specific job you need.

Is solid plastering the same as rendering?

Solid or hard plaster vs. render are similar techniques, but they’re not the same.

Solid plastering refers to the application of plaster directly onto brick, concrete, or stone surfaces, usually for interior walls. Rendering, on the other hand, is specifically the application of a cement-based mixture to exterior walls. Both techniques create a smooth surface, but rendering is designed to withstand outdoor elements and often has a coarser texture than solid plastering.

Can you plaster over a rendered wall?

It’s generally not recommended to plaster directly over a rendered wall. Render is designed for exterior use and has properties different from interior plaster.

If you’re looking to smooth out a rendered interior wall, it’s better to apply a skim coat of plaster rather than a full plastering job. For exterior walls, if you want to change from render to plaster, you’d need to remove the render first.

Always consult a professional before attempting to plaster over render, as improper application can lead to adhesion problems and a poor finish.