Design & technology

The best tools to use if you’re building an app

Creating an app is a tall order. However, it’s also one that’s well worth the time, dedication, and resources that go into it. According to the Business of Apps, there were 194 billion app downloads in 2018 alone. In other words, the field of app development is a large market, and it’s only growing.

Having an app for your business can help increase your profit margins by drawing more customers in and making shopping with you more convenient for existing customers. Also, it can help you drum up important brand recognition and loyalty.

Making an app isn’t an easy task, though. It requires plenty of planning and works on behalf of the app company. To get the job done efficiently and to the best of your ability, you’re going to need the right tools for the trade. Luckily, there are plenty of different types of tools you can take advantage of during the process that will help pave the way to your new mobile app!

General workflow management

One of the hardest parts of project management is making sure that every step is done in order without fail. If a step is skipped in app development, you’ll find it difficult to move forward or even struggle with bugs within the program. So, a way to easily track what needs to be done is essential.

There are a lot of options out there for this, but Casual is one that’s quickly gaining steam. It offers a simple interface that displays a flowchart of what needs to be done and which users are taking care of that step. This is incredibly helpful when it comes to handling large projects that require many smaller tasks or need to be done over a longer period of time.

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If you want something slightly more streamlined that gives team members their own individual tasks without necessarily tying them all together. If you’re seeking this level of individual anonymity, apps like Asana focus on individual task lists. They allow for task assignment with a description of what needs to be done and space in each task to instant message back and forth on the specific job. With its simple interface, there isn’t much room for confusion, and you can easily communicate what you need between team members without any trouble.

Note-taking tools

As you go through the app development process, you’re likely to find that you come up with ideas as you go along that you can’t put into practice immediately. In these cases, you’ll want to keep these ideas in a central, easy-to-find location. If you’re just scrawling them on spare pieces of paper, it’s very easy for them to get lost or forgotten about. In a dedicated area, though, you can find them as you need them. You should have a clear mobile app development process follow to be able to manage any small or big mobile app development task.

One example of a handy service for this purpose is Evernote. This is a tool that is often marketed to college students, but it’s just as valuable to businesses and individual employees. It allows you to keep track of any notes on or ideas about a project and search and reference them as you need to. Since it’s a cloud-based system, you can even access it from a different computer, or it can be accessed by a different team member working on the project.

All of these tools will help you keep your app development projects on track and give you a profitable and polished end results. This is crucial in a world where the tech industry is not only growing but an essential arm that businesses can’t survive without.

Design & technology

The best apps for small businesses

Running a small business often means doing several jobs at once.

As the business owner, you are simultaneously the employer, employee, accountant and admin as well as anything else that pops up during the course of a job.

If you feel like your time is constantly being pulled in multiple directions, and it is hard to stay on top of your tasks, don’t worry, we have a curated series of apps to help get your time back under control.

General productivity

Google Keep – iOS/Google Play

If you find that you are always misplacing notes, then Google Keep is for you. Keep’s strength comes from its simple design and tagging system. Quickly jot down a note and then either colour code it to the job it is related to or add a label for easy searching at a later date.

Keep also has a handwriting to text feature. Which, while admittedly not perfect, is an excellent way to save your pen and paper notes to the cloud!

You can also add photos, audio files and video to your notes as well, ensuring you have all of your information readily accessible no matter where you are.

Time management

Toggl – iOS/Google Play

With the press of a button, Toggl will track your time down to the second. This app is useful if you have billable hours that you need to account for, as well as getting a measure of how your time is spent. You can track different activities, and, importantly multiple employees which you can then break down into smaller groups as needed.

Ensuring that you are making the most of the time you have on a project is an excellent way to minimise stress and manage your workload.

Toggl is free for up to five users. The paid version, however, allows an unlimited number of users to log time as well adding rates and sub-projects.

Project management

Trello – iOS/Google Play

If you work in a highly visual manner, then Trello is the to-do app for you! Trello is a digital version of the Kanban system. You create a board with a series of cards to move across the different stages of a project. From quoting, to in progress, to complete. You can also assign cards to employees ensuring that everyone knows what part his or her role is in the project and who has dependencies at the different stages.

Having an overview of the project’s progress will give you a much clearer idea of the remaining time and costs involved and ultimately keep you and your staff on task.

Trello is free for personal use but does incur a fee if you are signing up multiple people under the one business.


Invoice2go – iOS/Google Play

Invoice2go makes your accounting simple. With a few swipes you can invoice a client on the spot. Either by emailing them or exporting a PDF and printing.

It also keeps all of your accounts in the cloud, meaning wherever you are you can access your invoices, estimates and purchase orders from your office.

Users, reportedly, spend an average of three hours a week less on their accounting, meaning that you can devote more time doing what you do best – helping the customer!

If you are feeling overwhelmed at the thought of all you have to do, being able to keep all your notes in the one place, track your time, plan and manage projects and invoice on the go by downloading a few apps to help streamline your business will ultimately save you both time and money.