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4 effective ways to convert leads into paying customers

Every person your business comes into contact with is a potential lead, but not all leads are the same. There is a big difference between a casual browser and someone who initiates a phone call to request a quote. The latter is the most valuable customer, but that does not mean you should ignore the casual browser. Leads are like seedlings, and with proper care, even the casual browser can develop into a lifelong customer.

Here are 4 effective techniques that convert leads to sales.

  • Respond quickly

The conversion rate is the number of people who find your products and services compared to those who actually become a customer. The number one rule is don’t wait to respond to an inquiry. When someone needs your products and services, they usually need them quickly. If you hesitate to return their call, it gives them the idea that this is what they can expect from your service, and they will move on to your competition.

  • Listen to their needs

People only make purchases if they perceive that the product or service fills a need. The best way to convert leads to sales is to listen to their needs and then demonstrate how your product or service fills that need. Many times, if you listen to your customer, they will tell you exactly how your service can best help them.

  • Prepare a well-written proposal

Every point of contact represents who you are and the type of service that can be expected from you. If your proposal is professional and well-written, it will speak volumes about your quality. A proposal that is sloppy and contains errors also says something about what they can expect.

  • Nurture the relationship through automation

Automation means not missing an email sent at just the right time in response to website visitor behaviour. Automation software is a cost-effective way to respond to your leads to nurture the relationship and lead them down the sales funnel. It can give them a gentle nudge in the right direction without the need to dedicate time to personal follow-ups that might lead nowhere.

Now you know four ways that you can turn your leads into customers. Small business owners are a special breed, and they know the importance of using their resources efficiently. Many of these suggestions take little effort, but they can mean big results for your sales growth.

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7 benefits of online reviews for small businesses

“I’ve worked with a really good house painter before, he can help with your renovation. Here, I’ll give you his number”. This is a conversation that most of us are familiar with – both from the perspective of a business owner and a customer.

Many small business owners can benefit from the power of online reviews. You put a lot of time and effort into your website and online advertising, but spending time building good reviews is one of the most important things that you can do to increase your brand’s credibility. This can mean the difference between a customer choosing you and your competition. Let’s explore some key benefits of building your online reviews.

1. Increase sales

Websites that post reviews on their website can expect an 18% increase in conversions over those that do not. It is also important to note that 79% of buyers said that they put as much trust in an online review as they do a personal recommendation from friends or family who they know. 

2. Competitive advantage

Positive online reviews can give you a competitive advantage, and 72% of customers will make a purchase after reading positive reviews. If you have more positive reviews than your competition, then they are more likely to choose you. A customer is more likely to choose a business that has hundreds of positive reviews over one that only has one or two. Building a portfolio of positive reviews should be a part of your marketing strategy.

3. Negative reviews can help with trust

It might go against logic, but sometimes negative reviews can help. If you have nothing but 100% glowing reviews, it can look like they are fake. A few negative reviews can help your reviews look like they are from real people. That being said, how you respond to them can either build or break customer trust. 45% of buyers said they’d still engage with a business that responds well to negative reviews.

4. Reviews trigger sales

When people are looking to make a major purchase, they often spend considerable time comparing their options. If it is for a major home repair, a vehicle, or investment, the amount of time they spend researching is proportionate to the cost of the item. Nearly 72% take action only after reading a review. The review is the trigger that makes them contact you over your competitor.

5. Show your best traits

Reliability, expertise, and professionalism were the traits people looked for the most when reading reviews. Nearly 27% said that reliability was the top factor. This means that missed deliveries and poor-quality work can have a big impact on your business. You need to put your best face forward every time you interact with your customers both online and offline.

Best practices to improve your reviews

By now, you should be able to see how important it is to build up a library of good reviews and why you should avoid negative ones as much as possible. It is generally accepted that people who write a negative review expect a response in under seven days, but it is to your advantage to respond to it as quickly as possible. When responding, you should correct any inaccuracies, but do not be afraid to admit them if you made an honest mistake. You should end by highlighting your strengths and provide a solution if it is warranted.

One of the best ways to build positive reviews is to do your best to make sure that every customer has a positive experience. Remember that every time you have contact with your customer, they are forming an opinion of you. It is up to you to make sure that it is a positive one. A customer who has a good experience and tells others is the best marketing that you can have.

Building positive reviews takes continual effort and consistency. If you have loyal customers who call you first whenever you need something, be sure to ask them to share their experiences. Reviews on sites like Google, Facebook, Oneflare and Word of Mouth are an excellent way to build positive reviews and be found by those who are looking for your services.